Leading @ All Levels

Many believe only a few people with big titles are real leaders while others believe only people with big offices are. Even more believe a real leader acts a certain way, as if it is in their DNA. They are born, not made. There are 100s, if not 1,000s, of scholars who have studied the…

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Effective Communication

“I said it; therefore, it shall be so!”  Believe it or not, quite a few people have that mindset.  Once their edict, their words, leave their mouth they expect immediate action and are often surprised when the action does not mirror the expected outcome.  Poor or incorrect action or no action at all, is often…

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Diversity and Inclusion

Sheila Lee & Associates

Remember when we were small children, and all we cared about were the simple things.  Every day was a fresh start, and the possibilities were endless. Our friendships were the most important thing for us. We didn’t care whether Matty or Lou was short or tall, Black or Asian, Muslim or Jewish. We all played…

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Customer Service

Sheila Lee & Associates

“How can I help you?”  A familiar phrase, a customer greeting, an expression of sincere interest, or is it!  In this day of “Do It Yourself” when seeking customer service, you are often greeted by an automated voice, followed by a request to say or enter your 21-digit account number TWICE, your date of birth,…

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Change Management

Sheila Lee & Associates

“Change is inevitable, growth is optional.” (John C. Maxwell) I have been living by this quote for the last 25 years, as I am sure others have too.  However, I am pretty sure they question as do I, why is change so objectionable, so unsettling, and so down right disruptive? Is there something about the…

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